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Each and every day, in every way

‘Each and every day, in every way, I am getting better and better’

As I lie with the sun blazing in through my bedroom window, my thoughts quickly race back to yesterday, a day I can only describe as a downer. I now know I get to switch my thoughts of the past, be it yesterday or further back in my life, the past is the past we only ever have now, otherwise today will follow the same path as yesterday or the other unhappy moment that pops into my thoughts.

Reaching for my phone I pop on some piano music, take some deep breaths, close my eyes and get myself back into alignment with happy me, today will be a good day. With a smile on my face yesterday forgotten and today a new start. I head downstairs to start my day.

This has been a steep learning curve for me, understanding I can switch to the frequency I want to be living on at any given time, working from the inside out.

I love spending time in nature and none more so when the sun is shining. Although these days are limited here in the UK, no matter what the weather I am out there walking with my beloved dog's morning and night and sometimes midday, if I need a nature fix. I am grateful each and every day for the Abundance of nature on my doorstep. Living in the hills of Northumberland on the family farm I have daily access to the teachings of nature that surround me and soak in the energy of what can it teach us.

You may ask why am I writing this? The feeling of being out in the open expanse of nature, the peace and tranquillity I have found by actually becoming aware of what surrounds me is hard to describe, The sheep and cows grazing on the grass that grows, the leaves on the trees swishing in the gentle breeze as we walk past, the noise of the geese flying overhead sending the dogs into a frenzy, the butterflies with their radiant colours fluttering amongst the long grasses, the bumble bees buzzing between the wild flowers, the occasional cloud floating across the sky above. On a day like today how could I not, have a smile on your face and setting me up for the day. Understanding that nature never gets it wrong has been a profound lesson for me.

In the early days of my grief, I now realise I was trying to be what everyone else wanted me to be and the lesson from nature is just ‘let’ if we let nature be, it all just happens. I remember being concerned about the big Oak tree that I can see from my kitchen window, all the other trees had grown their leaves, and the Oak was not even showing signs of buds on its branches, fast forward 10 days and the buds and leaves were appearing. It is currently standing in all its splendour as an umbrella of shade for the animals wanting to shade from the sun. Nature never gets it wrong, the leaves there at exactly the right time.

Being the person I want to be and stopping my thoughts going to what other people think life is so much easier. I can only control my thoughts and feelings, I cannot control others.

Let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you can control, that is ‘YOU’. Take a walk in nature and soak it in, leave your phone at home, listen into the Abundance that surrounds you.

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