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No one size fits all in the world of grief

No one size fits all in the world of grief - The birth of Journey With Janey

This may trigger as it is my raw thoughts and feelings. I have been open and honest about my feelings so feel free to come back to this when you are ready, and you will know when that time is.....

There is no one size fits all when it comes to grief, no matter whether you are dealing with the loss of a parent, grandparent, a friend, a soul mate or even the family pet. They are relevant in their own power to us as the person left behind.

We are all individuals with our own inner power and death effects all of us in different ways, which is why it is so difficult to find guidance, help and direction on your journey through grief.

This is the main reason behind me birthing ‘Journey with Janey’ I have experienced many different losses throughout my life and growing up on a farm introduced me to death in my early years. There is no getting away from death when you live on a farm, as animals inevitably die. I am grateful to my Mum and Dad for never hiding death of the animals from me and always talking openly about death. It is the one thing in life that we know will happen. I believe society protects us in some ways as death is such a taboo subject to many.

Now I am not saying this makes it any easier when we have to deal with the loss of a loved one as each death affects us differently, depending on the stage we are at in our own life and the circumstances surrounding said death. There are many websites and self-help guides to be found, I know I have trawled through many of them, reading all the sadness and sharing the grief of others. Losing the soul mate, you thought you would grow old with and share happy times in your retirement with, is no easy death to navigate. These websites, groups and guides helped me to know I was not alone in my grief, but it did not give me the tools to move into the next chapter of life. They may and do help others and I am taking nothing away from the amazing charities, health professionals and others that are there to support us.

Whilst this may help many it wasn’t the right path for me and I was guided by a friend to work on me, my inner self, finding me from the inside out. I was soon working with her mentor and gaining momentum in my life again, finding me from the inside out and using the tools that have helped me carve out my new journey.

I am eternally grateful to have been given this opportunity to guide and help others like you, the person reading this; to make a choice in your life at this difficult time to be You and help you rediscover your peace and purpose. There is a reason you are reading this, and I am here to guide you through your journey sharing my experiences and being a compassionate listener, casting no judgement as we work together so you too can start to write your new chapter in life.

Whilst it is no easy task to start a new chapter, truly I do understand you may just want a friendly voice that is not a friend or family member just to listen to your story and express your feelings without judgment. I have found talking about my journey thus far has helped so much with my healing and that is why you have found me.

I understand that navigating through grief and loss can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. I will help you to rediscover your identity and achieve lasting personal growth.

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